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Build Self-Worth: Know How to Make a Comeback with Resilience

Tanisha Herrin

When you get knocked down in life, it is important to know how to bounce back. Valuing self-worth includes being resilient. It is the ability to rely on personal emotional strength to get through challenges. Experiencing a hardship or difficulty is something many will experience in life, but it is how you react and your actions that make a difference. In the end, you stay true and firm to your plan through your abilities. It is a great example of holding your self-worth to a higher standard.

Values of a Resilient Individual

A person who can bounce back from a difficult situation and make things better holds qualities that speak volumes about how they view themselves. They exude a positive attitude. They look at failures as another opportunity to do better by learning from mistakes. They can keep their emotions under control when things get heated. They are optimistic about the future. Furthermore, resilient people can focus on an outcome or solution to ensure they keep moving in the right direction after getting back on their feet again.

Channeling Energy to Focus

Getting motivated to make the change necessary to move forward comes from your ability to focus. Knowing the action you need to do is part of the motivation. It helps you focus on what to do next. The moment you realize you can do something is when your focus shifts leading to action. Avoid wallowing in the fact the circumstance took a turn for the worst. What you want to achieve is based on personal goals and expectations. Meaning, you are likely the only person to know what action is necessary to produce results.

You are not the only one who has had to deal with abrupt change, and you won’t be the last. How you respond to the situation or circumstance is significant. Sometimes you have to push yourself when you feel things can change for the better. Choosing to do nothing is not an option.

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