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Resources listed on this page provide assistance and support for mental health concerns, substance abuse, suicidal situations, and healthy living goals.  The list includes groups and organizations devoted to helping others deal with mental health concerns. Listed also are personal development and self-improvement resources.  Such information can help you understand situations from another perspective while suggesting a productive course of action. 


Special Note of Caution: The following list is not meant to replace a doctor or expert mental health specialist. It is a list of sources for adult use and general guidance. It gives an idea of resources available to help you gain knowledge related to mental health topics and personal growth.  If you need help or support, you should seek assistance from your personal physician, licensed mental health specialist, or your local community health support agency.

National Resources


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention


Suicide Prevention Resource Center


Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741741 in the US


Internationational Resources


International Association for Suicide Prevention (Help sources for those outside the US)


International Bipolar Foundation



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